Mesha goofs off

This was one of my favorite Sweet Pickles book as a kid. I got the overall message that it's better to do things now rather than wait until later, especially if it gets in the way of you being invited to a party.

What I didn't like about it was that goose could have been doing so many other fun things besides trying to nap on the hammock. Also maybe she had some depression? I think the book could have been better had she been doing fun stuff like stepping over that spilled rice, but I guess that wouldn't have fit the message.

Why am I reminded of this? Well, because I have been goofing off. Last update I was ahead of my task schedule and could have been getting further ahead. Although, I did some things I didn't do a lot.

Well what HAVE I been doing?

Watching Legion: I binge watched 7 episodes. This show is fantastic visually, characters, acting, plot, soundtrack! 

Working out: Getting my sexy back one day at a time.

Facebook: Seriously, a bitch need to stop with this. I'm not even going to bookmark it on my new laptop. Such a time suck. Ima have to impose some time limits on my Facebook usage, maybe 10 hours a week to start?

Travel planning: My trip to South Africa got cancelled by Ethiopian Airlines because me and like 3000 of my closest friends did a fuel dump glitch... There I was all ready to take that refund and save it, but then I saw this 

Missy!Björk!Anderson .Paak! Tribe!Frank Ocean! I was like TAKE MY MUTHAFUCKING MONEY!!!!
So, um yeah, I got the VIP package. Thankfully they have a payment plan, and that I like ramen and get free food from my job.

I was also adding some much details to my Reykjavik/Amsterdam trip. I booked a spa day at Blue Lagoon which led me down the rabbit hole of finding a swimsuit that I can stunt on you bitches for the photos.


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